“It’s Not As Scary As You Think”
In the case of a lost tooth, there are a couple of ways to ensure that you will not lose excess bone height and width. Ideally, Dr Dorian Cucereanu, will remove the damaged tooth and preserve the bone in the area using a simple bone grafting procedure. In this procedure, demineralized, sterile human bone granules, (which look like coarse sand), are packed into the tooth socket immediately after tooth extraction. The granules are covered with a protective collagen membrane and a couple stitches are used to close the tooth socket. This procedure is simple and usually does not add to your recovery time. Over the next several weeks, your own bone will fill the tooth socket and preserve the bone height long enough for you to have the area restored.
Dental Bone Grafting Makes New Teeth Possible
Although bone grafting is a surgical procedure which can sometimes be rather extensive, it plays a very important role in making new teeth possible. In the not so distant past, patients without adequate bone height or width for tooth replacement with dental implants were simply told they couldn’t have implants. These people didn’t want to wear dentures or go toothless forever. The art and science of implant dentistry has brought us these highly specialized and successful te chniques in order to restore what was lost and make it possible to have a beautiful smile. Bone graft surgery is temporary, but being able to eat, laugh, talk and smile lasts a lifetime!