Your smile is your window to the world.
As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Dorian is creating and designing, which is a very different task from repairing things. For this task, the authoritarian approach needs to be replaced with a listening approach. “How do you feel about your smile?” “How white do you want your teeth?” The doctor is treating your self-perception, and everything needs to be geared toward creating a smile that will give you confidence.
Some of the most common cosmetic and functional dental imperfections can be significantly improved with porcelain dental veneers. Stains, gaps, chips, and even teeth misalignment are all issues that can be corrected with porcelain veneers. Custom-designed to cover only the visible part of the affected teeth, porcelain veneers are wafer-thin, like a contact lens. Porcelain dental veneers can completely transform the look of your teeth for a beautiful smile makeover.
Our experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Dorian Cucereanu offer porcelain veneers as an innovative solution to treat number of dental issues that can affect self-confidence, including chips, gaps, discoloration and misalignment.
Made up of thin shells of ceramic material, porcelain veneers are custom-designed to look and feel like your natural teeth. This virtually painless procedure can help you achieve long-lasting results and significantly enhance the appearance of your smile.
Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
Improved function of the teeth to correct problems such as TMJ and occlusion (bite)
Improved appearance of chipped, fractured, stained, uneven and worn teeth
Aesthetically pleasing appearance
Protected tooth structure
Custom-designed to match your natural teeth
Highly resistant to staining and discoloration (more than natural teeth)
Minimal pain or discomfort
Can be used to strengthen weakened or cracked teeth
Can be used to whiten even the darkest teeth that resist traditional whitening methods